Unique record pre-sound full Lp,Ep of all genres – Melodic Rock Aor and Hard Heavy Metal from plotn08
When I first heard that former Crank County Daredevils guitarist Adam Stevens had a new project I almost wet myself in anticipation — that’s how good his previous band was. So I was a bit disappointed when I first spun the Southbound Saints debut EP From The Clutches Of Grace — not because it is horrible, but because it doesn’t come close to CCD in the sleaze department. These really are two different beasts — the Crank County Daredevils were a sleazy outfit that proudly gave the mainstream the middle finger while the Southbound Saints often sound as if they are trying too hard for some recognition — although I can’t blame anyone for craving success in their chosen field.
Formed in 1999 by guitarist Andrea Martongelli,Arthemis are an Italian heavy/thrash metal band and are about to release their seventh album, We Fight,through fledgling record label Off Yer Rocka Recordings.
I was first introduced to Arthemis nearly 2 ½ years ago on the sun kissed island of Ibiza at the first Hard Rock Hell Ibiza Road Trip, where they played possibly the best unplugged set I’ve ever seen (check out the YouTube vids when you can, you won’t regret it!!) and two brilliant full electric sets, so I was well chuffed when I was offered the chance to review this new album.
Choosing to open the album with instrumental trackApocalyptic Nightmare is a winning idea for me. It beats the usual cheesy intro as has become the fashion in metal just now, I just wish Arthemis hadn’t played it quite so safe and done something with a bit more edge and clout to it.
Logic(il)logic geeft Italiaanse acts een kans om buiten de landsgrenzen hun muzikale kunsten te tonen. Het label doet dat veelal met bands die melodieuze rock met een metalen randje maken. Motorfingers is zo’n band. De band brengt met Black Mirror zijn debuut.
Black Mirror bevat negen pakkende rocksongs boordevol makkelijk in het gehoor liggende riffs en zanglijnen. In de promo loopt de band te koop met invloeden van onder andere Velvet Revolver, Nickelback, Metallica enGuns ‘N Roses, maar het is vooral de gepolijste metal (of is het rock?) van Alter Bridge die ik terughoor binnen de muziek van Motorfingers. Het gitaarwerk springt er op Black Mirror ten positieve uit. Het is hoorbaar dat de heren Barbolini en Spezzani een geschiedenis met elkaar hebben in verschillende (cover)bands. En daar zit hem ook het euvel van de band. Motorfingers komt nergens origineel uit de hoek.
In 25 words or less: “With enough rock chops to mix it with the hard rockers, they have enough catchiness and hooks for those who simply appreciate catchy rock.”
Sydney rockers Neon Heart have been plying their craft for a few years now and on this their second EP, they deliver five tracks of some pretty addictive kick ass rock. Basing their reputation upon their energetic live show, (which being from Melbourne, I haven’t had the opportunity of witnessing yet) Out Of My Hands certainly sets about trying to catch that raw energy and live feel on disc.
It might be me, but I’m not really smart of the above 3 Dayz Whizkey to-find information. One thing is probably that the band in the Bavarian city of Regensburg is located and from three (how many this or any other band name?) Permanent members (TG Copperfield, Little Chris and Big Tony), which on at live performances currently by Brad The Snake the rhythm guitar and Tyler Myles is supported as a singer. On the debut album by blues rocker the latter two were involved as yet.
The guitarist and sole songwriter Copperfield (the next two cover versions of the remaining pieces come) has only accepted for two numbers of the lead vocals, the entire balance was delivered by guest vocalists. What 3 Dayz Whizkey downright celebrate the ten tracks is present, powerful blues rock that will probably bring every club this globe sweat. The power trio makes lot of steam, but never forgets to let sentimental and soulful moments to advantage.
Reverse Grip is a Canadian rock band made up of three brothers and influenced by the party anthems of the eighties. Like those earlier bands, they wear their bad attitude on their sleeves for all to see and sing about it for all to hear. Their debut four-song EP is titled Nasty Reputation.
It takes only two listens for the title track, “Nasty Reputation”, to stick in your head. Catchy is a gross understatement of the bands ability to marry a hook and melody, and this song proves it. Dru Broda‘s vocals switch from melodic to classic rock with a hint of punk, all with ease. The guitar solos from Sean Broda and even the cowbell, played by Dylan Broda, mixes well, creating a recipe for an addictive tune. The band released a video for this first track that accompanies the song nicely, showcasing the band in action without taking themselves too seriously.
Whether Johnny Cash would actually become a fan of the four musicians of BIG BALLS COWGIRL is, sometimes an open question, and is the part of the promotional information probably a little far-fetched. However, it seems the Man in Black is an important source of inspiration for the 14 songs on the new album of Lower Saxony to have been, even if BIG BALLS COWGIRL are much more rooted in traditional hard rock influences and is probably related more to the mood of individual songs. But after all: A little cash is also in “Bullet Ride”.
The free ride for a compelling album is this parallel but not what is reflected alarmingly in the first few numbers of the current publication. The quartet seems not quite sure, just like your own sound to be defined. There is plenty of good riffs here and there, sometimes a healthy basic arrangement, but the moments in which the music has a really packed, can be counted on a few fingers. Especially songs like ‘Upon My Oath’, ‘Black Soul’ and ‘one-man business’, despite their dirty colored guitars rather aimlessly as consistent and select a portion of the dilemma hovering over “Bullet Ride”. But when things get quieter, such as in ‘Autumn Sun’ and ‘Returning Home’, lacks the inspiring atmosphere that missed the se simply arranged songs just the right flair.
A diverse collection of hard rock guitar instrumentals, influenced by 80’s guitar hero’s George Lynch, Eddie Van Halen, Yngwie Malmsteen,Steve Vai and Joe Satriani.
After many difficult years trying to find a creative outlet for his musical ideas, Huntsville, Alabama based guitarist decided to form “Project Gemini” a guitar driven instrumental project that has local guest musician’s appearing on the material. To give credit to these musician/friends that perform their magic on these tracks, Jeff decided to give them a name to represent their contribution. The moniker “The Space Donkey’s” was coined. Jeff has been writing,recording and engineering music for 27 years, Project Gemini will be his first official release. Release is Scheduled for 8.18.12
“Saturday Night’s Strike was formed in late 2008. With members coming from bands who played heavy-metal, rock’n’roll and punkrock, the music soon merged into a mix of all of those elements.
The image and performance of the band grew over time, as they’re constantly evolving their crazy live shows. With characters such as the Party-Police, Pink Cowboy, Beer Bandit and Joker Wild an SNS show is something that’ll be remembered for life.
Saturday Night’s Strike is hard rock’n’roll at it’s best, wether you sit at home listening to their music or attend one of their live shows you will be carried away.”