Category: All Exclusive

Unique record pre-sound full Lp,Ep of all genres – Melodic Rock Aor and Hard Heavy Metal from plotn08

Sunset Riot – Uprising 2012


25 words or less: With a distinctly Australian flavor in the vein of The Screaming Jets and a massive dose of bluesy 80’s hard rock stylings, Sunset Riot are proudly flying the flag for Australia in the name of rock.

Hailing from Sydney, Australia, Sunset Riot are well advanced on their journey to forge their reputation as a live act with an arsenal of big riffs and even bigger ambitions.  But unlike many who crash and burn, these ambitions in Sunset Riot’s case are matched with an ability to deliver some kick ass ROCK and an old fashioned work ethic that has seen them travel thousands of kilometres both in USA and Australia to take their rock as far and wide as possible.


The Lazys – Temptation Never Liked You 2012


Aussie Rock and Roll has always been a staple in the industry as we’ve produced just a few names you may have heard of, Rose Tattoo, AC/DC, Cold Chisel and Craig McLachlan & Check 1,2.  Well maybe not the last one, but you know what I mean, the Aussie ‘pub’ rock scene has always been a big one and with a band like The Lazys, this genre should and hopefully will be kept alive.

The boys have just released their new EP ‘Temptation Never Liked You’ and it’s lucky as I’m not wearing socks as I’d imagine right now they’d be rocked off! Opener ‘Really Ready For You?’ without doubt is a show opener and would have any crowd going and ready to rock the night away, great riffs and groove, as is ‘Society’s Whore’ the song that is.  Then we have the slower ‘Angels Sun’ a song where I hear shades of Alice In Chains and it works, a slow building track that kicks in mid way through, I dig this one.  Title track ‘Temptation Never Liked You’ has a monster riff that drives this EP’s namesake and is my favourite on the EP, lyrically it’s dark and deep and it sounds killer.  From the last two tracks of almost Alice In Chains feel we get straight back to a balls out rocker with ‘My Mumma’ which belongs in any pub with the crowd yelling the words back, a great song, great playing and a perfect ending to a kick ass EP.


Television 60’s – Celebr-Hate 2012


It all started from an idea between the two basic and original members, Mikki (bass & vocals) and Cioxxx (drums) back in 2005. After several line-up changes, they settled down and Mikki finally took over the vocals as well. What they wanted to do was to play rock & roll with a little bit of garage & punk music without any compromises. Adding elements from The Hellacopters, Gluecifer, Imperial State Electric (mostly), Backyard Babies, Hardcore Superstar, Hanoi Rocks and so on… they started writing their own tunes. With lyrics talking about sex, fun, good time, drugs & girls you can’t bypass the fact that those youngsters wanna party all day long.


Amadeüs – Black Jack (2012)


“Black Jack”, the second LP of Power metallers of Spanish, will be available on Sept. 26 thanks to the Holy Grail Records label. Below you can see a promotional trailer, which contains extracts of the songs that make the album. Very interesting the proposal
of the band.


Karma To Burn – Slight Reprise 2012


If, like West Virginia stoner rockers Karma To Burn, you’ve got huge guitar riffs and gargantuan grooves on tap, why bow to convention and have a ‘whining, posing douche-bag at a microphone’ spoiling all your fun? That’s exactly what Karma To Burn thought back in 1996 when they were offered a deal with Roadrunner Records. Here were three guys having a ball, knocking out some quite superb uncompromising, bulldozing stoner grooves as an instrumental power trio free of the complications a singer brings to the table. The only problem was that Roadrunner were not having any of it. The deal, and the money, was on the table on the condition they get themselves a singer. The lure of the filthy lucre was too much to resist, so singer Jay Jarosz was recruited and vocals were added to what became their first album, ‘Karma To Burn’. Things didn’t exactly work out though, so Jarosz was ejected, the band lost the deal and returned to their original incarnation as an instrumental trio.


The Kordz – Beauty and the East 2012

I’m quite sure most of us have a hard luck story from our childhood, our teenage years certainly; that ‘outcast’ feeling of being a rock fan definitely applies to most of you who make your way to these cyber pages. Well, imagine then that you had been born in a war torn country in the Middle East, where religious zealots and politicians try and control every aspect of life. Well, that’s the fascinating backdrop to which this band, The Kordz, was formed originally whilst the guys were at university in Lebanon in the early nineties.


Sound Storm – Immortalia 2012


Who said that Italy is only good for Power Metal? Well, of course we have bands like RHAPSODY and LABYRINTH (I almost forgot to mention LUCA TURILLI’S RHAPSODY, sorry for that), but the Italian Metal scene has so much more to explore, covering the bigger part of the Metal pieSOUND STORM, hailing from Italy’s Turin, were founded in 2002, and it isn’t hard for the potential listener to discover their love for THERIONSONATA ARCTICANIGHTWISH (early) and EPICA. Yup, you guessed right: Symphonic Metal parts and colorful keyboards monopolize the band’s music direction, while the change between operatic and clean, powerful vocals enhanced in total harmony SOUND STORM’s sound, creating some of the most dynamic compositions in today’s European Metal scene. “Immortalia” is the band’s sophomore album, so let’s cut to the chase and see what SOUND STORM are bringing to metalheads’ daily dish.


Scar for Life- 3 Minute Silence (2012)

NOW! Is Not Sex…

Melodic Metal band Scar for life was founded by guitarist Alexandre Santos in 2008 following his compositional work with ‘Redstains’. Creating songs from vitriolic, groovy assaults to soft acoustic pieces this band is set to make an emotional yet powerful stand. 3 Minute Silence, is the bands third album to make a shout in the world. Recorded at Pressplay Studio at the begining of 2012, features a new lineup and an handful of guests such as Violinist Anne Vitorino d’Almeidam, Finnish singer Kari Vahakuopus (CATAMENIA) and British keyboardist Ged Ryland (ex-TEN). Drummer Joao Colaco (ex-MORE THAN A THOUSAND) stepped in whilst guitarist Sergio Fariaadded new depth on live performances.


2Ugly2Die – Tiefenrausch 2012


Dig deep into the loo certainly have no one to whom the band met 2Ugly2Die first time – in the toilet cover art or not. For the trio’s music is far from grottig or shit, but can be heard in the general. The Berlin go though. In the self-imposed “rapture of the deep”, which seems to mean the bottom line is however that one of the German Rock missed a damn heavy bias and thus the direction of heavy rock and stoner-squint
The ten tracks collected here almost rolling over the listener away, cover of rolling over slowly threatening to tough all typical nuances. The “rapture of the deep” turns out to be so as extremely heavy rock interpretation of dirty Gröhlgesang and metal guitar riffs.
