Unique record pre-sound full Lp,Ep of all genres – Melodic Rock Aor and Hard Heavy Metal from plotn08
YOTANGOR, the French symphonic metal band featuring female singerYngrid Allières, has released its sophomore album, “We Speak”, viaBrennus Music. The CD was recorded at frontman Jean-Guy Pichoustre‘s Laboratory Metal studio in Toulouse.
YOTANGOR‘s debut album, “King Of The Universe”, was described in a press release as “an ambitious double CD with 26 tracks, a concept album that talks about King Yotangor, a modern dictator convinced to be good with his people while all what he does is perverted by money and stupidity.”
She’s Not Dead is a youthful and explosive All Girl Band that fills the room with excitement at every show! Playing a mix of Hard Rock & Pop, with a touch of Punk, the girls have created a sound that is entirely their own. As an all female group, they stand out from other bands, turning many first-time listeners into hard-core fans.
With lead singer Kira Nesser fronting the band with her guitar strapped on like a weapon of rebel glory, She’s Not Dead leaves no room for doubt that something exciting is happening. Kira is backed by three spirited and authentic female musicians, who, with their unbridled enthusiasm, will show off their youthful frenzy when they perform. Samantha’s drums add the power to the music, while Annelise keeps her bass locked in to them, but loose enough to add a punk feel. Keiko fills in the background with warm keyboard layers. Don’t be surprised when you find yourself shouting and singing along to their songs upon listening to them for the first time!
Barbarella is a rockband from Nijmegen, the Netherlands. The band is inspired by ’60?s and ’70?s hardrock, punk, grunge and stoner rock. Combine Queens of the Stone Age, Foo Fighters, Deep Purple, Guns ‘n’ Roses and Smashing Pumpkins and you’ll get an idea of what it’s all about.Modern Times Rock ‘n’ Roll: heavy, in your face music.
NOW! From Sweden
They may look like wizard-van hippies, a trio of high school dropouts livin’ the free and easy, but The Brimstone Days are really white suit preachers selling a groovy Sunday sermon. They’re dancing up and down the crowded aisles under an outdoor tent — red-faced, gripped by fever, dripping with sin, clutching their chest — convincing you to forfeit love, money, and testimony for a chance to kiss their hand. This makes the Swedish band’s second full-length, On a Monday Too Early to Tell, a smoky, lascivious, moto-soul show, and if you’re the kind of cat that takes his righteous garage-funk cool and on the rocks with a Scandinavian twist, like The Sewergrooves,
Tyrants & Kings is ready with their second album. Their first album was a surprising country
rock CD that came on Cope Records in 2010. But although country music was, was and is a nødvendigst
step, an essential part of Tyrants & Kings universe, so the band is first and foremost a rock band.
Country album receiving excellent reviews, but unfortunately not quite as excellent
sales figures. But a solid fanbase was built, and live band has a large audience.
Space Mirrors, International Spacey rock / prog metal band led by Alisa Coral (Alisa Coral), in which, among many other musicians involved: Martyr Lucifer (vocals), Massimo Arke (guitar) and Fabio «Amon 418» Bartolini (guitar) from Italian avant-garde metal band Hortus Animae, Alan Davey (bass) and Nik Turner (flute / sax) from the legendary group Hawkwind, released a new album based on the stories of HP Lovecraft, entitled «In Darkness They Whisper». The album comes out on the Swedish label Transubstans Records on August 1, 2012.
While there are a lot of modern sleaze-metal bands evolving out of Sweden, quite a few of them only manage to release a couple of demos before fading away into obscurity after a couple of years. Pompei Nights obviously didn’t want to go down that path, and after only two years of existence they release their full-length debut Rather Die Than Livin’ In Boundaries through Street Symphonies Records.
I leggendari Killer Klown da Torino tornano con un nuovo fiammante album!
Il loro Garage Punk &e;grave un marchio di garanzia e si muove tra Celibate Rifles e Gun Club, passando per gli X.
Formatisi nel 1995, hanno all’attivo una decina tra album e singoli e vari tour in Italia e all’estero solcando i palchi con New Bomb Turks, Spider Babies, Nashville Pussy, Satan’s Pilgrims, Pleasure Fuckers, Real McKenzie e molti altri.
Insomma i nostri sono tornati per non fare prigionieri ‘cos they’re “Born To Rock!!!”
October 9 Niji Entertainment will release a continuation of the successful compilation album Dio, «The Very Beast Of Dio Vol. 2 “.
In addition to the late classical «Killing The Dragon», «Push» and «Fever Dreams», the compilation will include three rare tracks that fans have long wanted to get on the same disk – «Electra» (only available in box set ultrararitetnom «Tournado») , «Prisoner of Paradise» and «Metal Will Never Die». Eddie Trunk wrote a special note for the booklet.