Aor Hard Rock in MP3 Video Mobilmania – Fenypokol koncert [2016, DVD]

Mobilmania – Fenypokol koncert [2016, DVD]

Country: Hungary
Genre: Hard Rock
Duration: 01:37:31
Year of release: 2016
Label: HMRDVD163

The title of the light show is the material of the Barba Negra Track Concert on the occasion of Mobilmania on June 7, 2015.
One of the dominant bands of the local rock scene recorded a show of the 2014 lighthouse album, which recorded eight cameras – with some obligatory P. Mobil basics – for a total of over an hour and a half playing the track with 19 tracks.
Gyula Vikydal, a founding member of the orchestra, also appeared as a guest and recalled the memory of Peter Tunyogi.

The title of a light show is the material of the Concert of Barba Negra Track on the occasion of Mobilmania on June 07, 2015.
One of the dominant gangs of the domestic rock scene recorded a show of the album of the 2014 Lighthouse, featuring eight cameras recorded – with some compulsory P. Mobil basics – for a total of more than a half hour playing track with 19 tracks.
Gyula Vikidál, a founding member of the orchestra, also performed as guest, and thinking about the memory of Péter Tunyogi.

02. Nem vagyok szikla
03. Fenypokol
04. Rocktober
05. Vagyunk es maradunk meg
06. Tegnapi dal
07. Menj tovább
08.Embered voltage
09. Utak filmje
10. Még ne búcsúzz el
11. Az ördög itt belebukott
12. Miskolc
13. Újrakezdenem
14. Se kártyák, se csillagok
15. Amikor zene szol
16. Barhová magaddal viszel
17. Ez a mania
19. Utolso cigarette


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Mobilmania – Fenypokol koncert [2016, DVD]
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