Supertramp – Queen Mary College (BBC) [1977, DVD]
The Supertramp concert, which took place on November 10, 1977 at London’s Queen Mary College, was recorded by the BBC and televised on various programs over several days. The DVD features both the full TV version (including eight music tracks) and the short version shown on BBC 4 (5 Tracks).
a) Queen Mary College, London, 10.11.1977 (length – 47 minutes):
1. Give A Little Bit
2. Bloody Well Right
3. Lady
4. From Now On
5. Babaji
6. Poor Boy
7. Dreamer
8. Another Man’s Woman
b) BBC4 broadcast, Sight & Sound, 11/10/1977 (length – 29 minutes):
1. Give A Little Bit
2. Bloody Well Right
3. Dreamer
4. Another Man’s Woman
5. Hide In Your Shell
Supertramp – Queen Mary College (BBC) [1977, DVD]