Aor Hard Rock in MP3 Heavy Metal |Power Metal Slaves Wage – Wisdom’s Call (2015)

Slaves Wage – Wisdom’s Call (2015)

копияSLAVES WAGE is a heavy metal band located in Arlington, TX. Their four song, self-titled, debut CD was released in March 2007. Their six song, sophomore CD, entitled FAITH SAYS, was released in May 2010. And now, 2015 will see the release of their ten song offering, WISDOM’S CALL.

All band members are Christians and their love for all things heavy and their Lord prove to be a match made in Heaven. Their hope and prayer is that these songs will in some way help all who listen find the answers to their questions, solutions to their problems, peace for a troubled mind and a relationship with the God who so loved us that He gave His only born Son, Jesus Christ, that we might experience what life was really intended to be (JOHN 3:16 ; JOHN 10:10)! God bless you all and stay tuned for more from SLAVES WAGE!

01. Lamb’s Song
02. I’m Alive
03. Wisdom’s Call
04. To Say
05. Jesus
06. Angels Everywhere
07. Sever
08. Kare
09. Moments In Eternity
10. Kingdom Now!

Password: Plotn08



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Slaves Wage – Wisdom’s Call (2015)
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