Vida Rock Band – Rockersziv 2015
In 1973, I was born in Komló. Since the age of six I press the keys. I left school at the piano, and jazz workshops. King was the first band. At this time, I learned to play the saxophone and guitar, but in my world of keyboards. The band Prolibusz really caught the world of rock music. I played the last 20 years, including candy, the Mistral, the BLW, room service, Nomad, and CS.Í.T. bands. Favorite Bands include Stormwitch, Sonata Artica, and Queen. In November 2009, followed by the Vida Rock Band, that means a lot to me, because good people, real friends, great musicians I play with.
01. Fordulj A Feny Fele 03:17
02. Vasakarat 03:31
03. Indulj Tovabb 04:24
04. Var A Hazam 04:30
05. Rockersziv 03:24
06. Szallj Szabadon03:41
07. Ozi Szel 03:45
08. Emlekek 01:25
09. Ikaros 03:22
10. Haboru Vagy Beke 03:53
11. Utazas A Vegtelenbe 05:14
Vida Rock Band – Rockersziv 2015