Aor Hard Rock in MP3 Coming Soon Atan – Metamorphic 2025

Atan – Metamorphic 2025

“Tragicomedy of existence” from the Polish hope of prog metal. What do we already know? Operating since 2020 ATAN was hailed as one of the greatest hopes of the Polish prog metal scene. The leader of the band is a guitarist and composer Andrzej Czaplewskiaccompanied by a singer and songwriter from Bolivia Claudia Moscoso. The composition is supplemented Jarosław Sadowski (drums) i Marcin Pallider (bass).

Having released an album “Ugly Monster” (2022) and an EP “Abnormal Load” The band became known to a wider audience during their performances at Metal Hammer Festival 2023 in Łódź and Ostrów Rock Festival 2024 and as a special guest of the Polish tour Riverside. ATAN presents a dark face. What do we know about the new album “Metamorphic”? “The group’s work is a fascinating mix of progressive metal, which often uses polyrhythmic structures, with parts bordering on soul, up to djent riffs of 7, 8 and 9-string guitars, melodic vocal parts and a solid groove of the rhythm section,” we read in the description.

Now the band has announced the premiere of their second album, it will be a double release “Metamorphic”which will be released on March 28. After the music video for “Glimmering” and single “First Fig” we found out the next number “Godot”.

“In the song ‘Godot’ I brought closer the darker side of Atan. Heavy riffs, low sound, solid groove combined with melodic vocal lines and growls. It is a composition that most musically represents what is closest to my heart, i.e. metal,” he says Andrzej Czaplewski.

The main inspiration for the lyrics of the song was art Samuel Beckett, “Waiting for Godot”. “This is one of my favorite plays. I always like the fact that nothing actually happens in the play. The main characters have made it their life’s goal to wait for someone called Godot. They don’t really know Godot, nor do they know the reason why they are waiting for him, but nevertheless they are waiting and contemplating. It’s absurd, but somehow deep and close. I wanted to pay tribute to this wonderful art and tragicomedy of existence through this text and video,” adds Claudia Moscoso. Derek Sherinian is a guest of ATAN again

01. Scapegoat
02. Echoes Of Meaning
03. All I Know
04. Fodder
05. First Fig
06. Before The Winter Comes
07. Godot
08. Stendhal Syndrome
09. Alchemist
10. Rind
11. Glimmering
12. Disappear
13. Chasing Light (feat. Derek Sherinian)
14. Antidote
15. Down
16. Away
17. Dopamine
18. Respite (feat. Mark Richardson)


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Atan – Metamorphic 2025
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