Aor Hard Rock in MP3 Hard Rock,Melodic Rock | AOR DeVicious – Reflections 2019

DeVicious – Reflections 2019

DeVicious is an international melodic rock band with home base in Germany. After the success of their debut album “Never Say Never”, released in August 2018, the band didn’t want to take a break and went straight back in the studio to record their second album, “Reflectio

1. Long Way Home
2. Never Let You Go (feat. Åge Sten Nilsen)
3. Understand
4. Desire
5. Hungarian Girl
6. Flying
7. Saturday Night
8. We’re Dying
9. Run Together
10. Feel The Heat
11. Manhattan Memories (bonus track)
12. Never Let You Go (radio version, bonus track)

Mister Sanders (vocals)
Radivoj Petrovic (guitar)
Alex Frey (bass)
Dennis Kunz (keyboards)
Lars Nippa (drums)


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DeVicious – Reflections 2019
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